Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's a bird, It's a plane, It's a Super Cape,,,,

It's hard not to fall into the pigeon hole of "little girl boutique" when you make bows and tutus, but we try our best to stay diverse and to offer things for women, teens, and even little boys.  We're constantly trying to come up with ideas for little boys.  We carry ties, and boy bibs, ribbon loopie toys, shirts and paci clips... but when a friend asked if I could make a cape for her super toddler a light bulb went on above my head.  What a great idea!  Well it took a while to get the semantics figured out, as it often does when we decide to make or carry something completely new, but we finally have our prototype made up.
I snapped a few picuteres of it...  What do you guys think?

I am Batman

Soaring through the air

To the rescue!

Cora LOVED! it.  As soon as I put it on her she raised her arm in the air and shouted; "To the rescue!"  I have no idea where she learned that, but I loved it :) 

The cape is double sided and can be personalized with a symbol on the back such as a giant M on the back (which is what my friend has planned for her little Super Max's cape).  The closure at the throat is velcro.  No more scary strings tied around your baby's neck.  Velcro is a much saver option! 

Basic capes with a simple applique on the back (Such as a giant M) will be $25.  Price may go up for more elaborate pieces or for large capes.  Capes will take approximately 3 weeks to finish and color options other than red and blue are available. 
If interested contact us at
or you can reach us on facebook

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