Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quarters, Quarters, and More Quarters

Sarah and I had an interesting proposition this week.  Sarah was approached by the 'Quarter Auction Powers To Be' (a.k.a. Andrea) about including our bows in the future Quarter Auctions.  She invited us to come check out the proceedings at the next auction, which happened to be last night.  Now, for those of you who haven't heard of the Quarter Auctions, I have to say, you are missing out!  It was tons and tons of fun. 

The Quarter Aucions are a fun combination of bingo and an auction. Vendors come and set up booths with all of their wares, and then they pick a few of those items to be used for the auction.  To bid on the items being auctioned you simply have to pay a dollar for a paddle and then it's anywhere from a quarter to 75 cents per bid.  They also have a 50/50 raffle and booby prizes.  Can't beat that with a stick!  And the vendors have lots of other stuff available for cash and carry if you are interested.  Last night we saw people from My 31, Miche, Uppercase Living, and Lula Bells just to name a few.

After a very entertaining night (in which I won a neat-o bracelet) we have decided that the Quarter Auctions will be an excellent route to get our bows out there.  Plus there is the extra added bonus that we will have a hoot while we're doing it :) We plan on entering 4 separate lots of bows to auction off .  Two sets of fall bows and two sets of Halloween bows.  We will also have a booth set up with tons of other bows for people to peruse.  We're excited to make some fun new stuff just for the auction! 

So Sarah and I are throwing our hats in the ring.  We will be center stage at the next Quarter Auction and we would  L.O.V.E  to see all you girls out there!  Come join in on the fun.  Bring a group of friends and some snacks.  You won't regret it!  Not to mention, you'll get the opportunity to see our bows up close and in person.

Where?  Edwardsville KC Hall
When?   September 23 (Thursday)
Time?     6:30 - 9:30pm

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