Monday, September 27, 2010

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Guess what Cheer Moms and Dance Moms?  Tweet Cheeks Boutique has Cheer Bows!!  You can custom order them to match your child's outfits or uniforms. We can layer multiple colors to show off your school spirit and we can make the larger Cheer Bows too!!

Even if your little angel doesn't cheer or dance we'd be glad to make you pony bows to decorate her pigtails.  We can do single bows or a matching pair in whatever size you'd like.  The sky is the limit!

If interested just shoot us a message and we will start on your order! 

1 comment:

  1. thanks for stoppin in my blog the other day, glad i'm not alone ha are crazy huh, but so rewarding too!! Love your bows by the way!
    have a great week!
